Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Airport Focused (SMS) Basics of Safety Series


    Written by Jason L. Hamlett AMT, CM, ACE, GSP - 2/23/2022 

Blog Introduction

Welcome to Health and Safety Management Systems (SMS) for airport operator’s blog. This blog was created for airport managers, workers, vendors, contractors, military personnel, and enthusiasts. The goal of this blog is to provide a public platform that facilitates discussion on the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking for SMS at certificated airports. In the next few weeks, I will publish my introductory series of writings for discussion on:

·         Defining safety

·         Safety Responsibility

·         Systems Approach to safety

·         Traditional Approach to Safety

·         Managing Risk

·         Hazard Recognition

Are you an executive level manager at a medium or large hub commercial airport?

 Do you manage airside operations, field maintenance, construction contractors, and risk management, environmental? 

Perhaps you are responsible for the safety of others at a federally certificated airport? 

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might have heard the term SMS fly around a few times. Without a thorough understanding of SMS, and its application to your airport campus, bearing the burden of responsibility may give you slight heart burn. SMS is not a new cutting-edge concept to managing safety. As a matter of fact, all FAR Part 139 certificated airports are already running a form of SMS as a requirement of their Federal Aviation Regulation FAR Part 139 self-inspection program. The problem with FAR Part 139 is that it only requires airports to track safety hazards and control methods that effect aircraft operations in the movement area only. Any seasoned airfield operations manager will validate that hazards, accidents, injuries and near misses occur in the non-movement areas. Developing, implementing, and deploying a robust SMS that is continuously improving, with consistent worker participation can only be accomplished with a solid understanding of safety, systems management, risk, and safety culture. This series will focus on the basics of SMS. I encourage any individual employed by an airport operator with a zest for safety to participate and comment in these writings. I am keeping all levels of employment in mind from the CEO to the intern level. I will explain how approaching airport safety from a system approach benefits your airports daily operation and increases safety for the entire airport environment. 

How does your airport organization approach safety?

How is your airport organization preparing for upcoming supplemental rule making to FAR 139?

What topics would you like to read about and discuss in this blog?


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  ( Written by Jason L Hamlett CM, ACE, GSP, CPI (4/04/2024         Health and Safety Management System...